Manual Boys Lacrosse



School and Team Calendar

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Important Dates

I hope everyone received the postcard in the mail or e-mail.  We have quite a few things coming up and we need everyone to  help.
The Stickhead 7 x 7 is on October 11.  
New date for the picnic is Sunday, October 12.  Please RSVP to by October 6.
Spirit Wear order forms are on-line.  Orders will be taken at the picnic, or you can mail it in by October 17.
Applebee's Pancake Breakfast  on October 18.  All boys work, retuning players sell tickets.  For more information click on the link.
We are working the concession stand at the October 24 football game.  We need everyone there. Please e-mail if you are interested in coordinating volunteers.
We need volunteers to work the table at the 8th grade Open House on October 28.
We are playing in a Fall Ball Round Robin on November 8 - more information to follow.
There will be a mandatory Booster Club meeting on December 2 for all parents.

Hope to see everyone at the picnic - 

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